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  • Writer's pictureThe Bronze Dolphin

Naughty or Nice?? "The List" Christmas Ornament by Thomas Glenn Holidays

You better watch out

You better not cry

Better not pout

I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town.

He's making a list

And checking it twice

Gonna find out who's naughty and nice

Santa Claus is coming to town.

This holiday classic Christmas song was first performed in November 1934 on Eddie Cantor's radio show. Written by John Frederick Coots and Haven Gillespie, it was a runaway hit with over 30,000 records sold in a 24-hour period. The song continues to be a top Christmas favorite and has had countless popular versions recorded. Contemporary popular singers who have recorded the song include Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber.

Thomas Glenn Holidays has created "The List" Christmas ornament to commemorate the "naughty and nice" portion of the song lyric. It features Santa on both sides of the ornament - on one side. holding the "nice" list - and on the other - the "naughty" list. The lists are rendered in white scrolls - and a black sharpie pen could be used to write in the name(s) of family or friends on the appropriate list!! The Bronze Dolphin has a great supply of these novel ornaments available for purchase on our website. Choose your list!!


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